We are excited to announce the formation of the ZKsync Security Council, a significant milestone in ZKsync’s journey towards a decentralized and secure ecosystem.
The Role of the Security Council
The ZKsync Security Council is a governance body responsible for overseeing critical aspects of the ZKsync protocol. Security Council members have the following key responsibilities:
- Emergency Response and System Freeze: Evaluate the need for, and potentially implement a freeze of, the ZKsync protocol when necessary, based on security assessments. This authority is crucial for responding to critical security threats.
- Protocol Governor Proposal Risk Review: Promptly, diligently, and independently conduct security reviews on Protocol Governor proposals that have been approved by the Token Assembly.
- Continuous Availability and Rapid Response: Maintain availability to address any security-related issues, responding immediately to identified or suspected security threats following notification.
- Collaborative Problem-Solving and Support: Work with other Security Council members to resolve complex security threats, provide first-line support, and participate in "war room support" when escalated security issues arise. This includes participating in regular liveliness tests to ensure responsiveness.
These responsibilities ensure that the Security Council acts as a vigilant guardian of the technical aspects of the ZKsync ecosystem, maintaining its security, integrity, and proper governance.
Meet the Security Council members
The 12 members of our Security Council, each bringing unique expertise and experience to safeguard and guide the ZKsync ecosystem. Security Council members were selected based on their technical expertise, geographic distribution, and the strength of their reputation within the Ethereum ecosystem. The 12 members of the Security Council are:

aleph_v: An independent security researcher and cryptographer with deep expertise in zero-knowledge proofs and blockchain security.
ChainLight: A blockchain security firm founded in 2016, known for their zero client compromise record and victories in numerous CTF hacking competitions.
Cyfrin: An industry-leading smart contract security and developer education company, serving major decentralized protocols and boasting a community of over 100,000 students.
Dedaub: Offering cutting-edge program analysis technology and security expertise to secure prominent DeFi protocols, blending academic research with a hacker mentality.
Mariano Conti: A prominent Ethereum community member and former Head of Smart Contracts at MakerDAO, with significant contributions to Dai and Ethereum price oracles.
Matter Labs: A leading R&D company focused on Ethereum scaling solutions, pioneering innovation in advanced cryptography and zero-knowledge proofs.
Nethermind Security: A team of security experts, leveraging Nethermind's blockchain expertise to deliver security solutions tailored for Ethereum developers
OpenZeppelin: The world leader in securing blockchain applications since 2015, known for their industry-standard open-source contract libraries.
PeckShield: A dedicated blockchain security company offering comprehensive services to protect digital assets and blockchain protocols.
Spearbit: A distributed network of top-tier security researchers focusing on complex, mission-critical protocols in web3.
Yevheniia Broshevan: Co-founder and CBDO of Hacken, with over a decade of experience in crypto and cybersecurity, advocating for a security-first approach in Web3.
Yoav Weiss: A security researcher at the Ethereum Foundation with over 25 years of experience, developing security technologies used by industry leaders.
The establishment of the ZKsync Security Council, with its diverse and highly qualified members, represents a crucial step in the decentralized governance of ZKsync. It reinforces a commitment to building a secure, decentralized, and community-driven Layer 2 solution.
Stay tuned for more updates on the specific operational procedures of the Security Council.